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HomeBlogHome SafetyCan’t Find the Source of the Electrical Burning Smell? Here’s What to Do

Can’t Find the Source of the Electrical Burning Smell? Here’s What to Do

An electrical burning smell is a warning sign that should never be ignored. This pungent, acrid odor indicates a potential fire hazard, and addressing its source promptly is crucial for your safety and the well-being of your property. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the common causes of electrical burning smells, steps to identify the source, actions to take when to call an electrician, and preventive measures to avoid future occurrences.

What Electrical Burning Smells Like

Electrical burning smells are unmistakable – a sharp, acrid odor that may resemble burning plastic, rubber, or even fish. This distinct smell is caused by the combustion of insulation materials around electrical wires or components, which can occur due to overheating or electrical faults.

Importance of Not Disregarding These Smells as Harmless

It’s crucial to never disregard an electrical burning smell as harmless. This odor is a clear indication of a potential fire hazard, and ignoring it could lead to catastrophic consequences. Electrical fires can spread rapidly and cause extensive damage to your property, not to mention the risk of injury or loss of life.

Discover practical steps on what to do when you can’t find the source of an electrical burning smell, and learn how to locate electrical shorts in your house.

Common Causes of Electrical Burning Smells

The smell of electrical burning is not only unpleasant but can also originate from unexpected places. Here are some common causes:

1. Overloaded Circuits: When too many electrical devices or appliances are plugged into a single circuit, it can cause overheating and lead to a burning smell.

2. Faulty Wiring or Outdated Electrical Systems: Older homes with outdated wiring or electrical systems are more susceptible to electrical faults, resulting in burning smells.

3. Appliance Malfunctions: Faulty appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, or HVAC systems, can overheat and produce a burning odor.

4. Rodent Damage to Wiring: Rodents can chew through electrical wiring insulation, causing short circuits and potential fires, leading to a burning smell.

5. Malfunctioning Electrical Components: Defective electrical components, such as switches, outlets, or circuit breakers, can malfunction and overheat, emitting a burning smell.

6. Electrical Wiring Issues: Loose or damaged electrical wiring connections can cause arcing or overheating, resulting in a burning odor.

7. Burning Insulation or Debris: If insulation or debris accumulates near electrical components, it can catch fire and produce a burning smell.

Learn what to do if you’re unable to locate the source of an electrical burning smell and find out how to safely cover exposed wires without using electrical tape.

Steps to Identify the Source

To accurately pinpoint the source of the issue, it’s crucial to follow these steps:

  • Check Appliances and Electronics: Unplug and inspect all appliances and electronic devices for signs of overheating, damage, or burning.
  • Inspect Electrical Outlets and Switches: Examine all outlets and switches for discoloration, scorch marks, or a burning smell emanating from them.
  • Examine Electrical Panels: Open your electrical panel and check for tripped breakers, scorch marks, or other signs of overheating or damage.
  • Evaluate the Wiring System: Visually inspect exposed wiring for signs of damage, such as melted insulation or charring.
  • Follow the Smell and Use a Voltmeter: If the source is still elusive, follow your nose and use a voltmeter to check for hot spots or voltage fluctuations that could indicate an electrical fault.

Explore steps to take if you’re unable to pinpoint the source of an electrical burning smell and learn how to identify a bad ballast with an electrical meter.

Actions to Take

If you detect an electrical burning smell, take it seriously and follow these steps until you identify the root cause:

1. Shut Off Power if Necessary: If the source of the burning smell cannot be immediately identified or if it appears to be a serious electrical issue, shut off the main power to your home or the affected circuit to prevent further damage or potential fire.

2. Seek Professional Assistance: If you are unable to locate the source or feel uncomfortable addressing the issue yourself, do not hesitate to contact a qualified electrician for assistance.

3. Address the Root Cause Promptly: Once the source has been identified, take immediate action to resolve the underlying issue, whether it’s replacing faulty wiring, repairing an appliance, or addressing any other electrical fault.

4. Avoid Using Water Near Electrical Sources: Water and electricity are a dangerous combination. Avoid using water near any electrical sources, as it can increase the risk of electrocution or further damage.

5. Consider Evacuating the Premises if the Smell Persists and Intensifies: If the burning smell continues to intensify despite your efforts, consider evacuating the premises and contacting emergency services, as it could indicate an imminent fire hazard.

Discover what to do if you can’t locate the source of an electrical burning smell and find out which type of fire extinguisher is suitable for extinguishing an electrical fire.

When to Call an Electrician

Despite your best efforts to locate the source of an electrical burning smell through a thorough inspection, there may be instances where the cause remains elusive, yet the concerning odor persists. In such cases, it’s crucial to acknowledge the limitations of your expertise and seek professional assistance. Calling in a qualified electrician becomes the prudent course of action to ensure a comprehensive evaluation and resolution of the underlying issue.

Similarly, if your investigation unveils potential connections between the burning smell and outdated or faulty wiring within your home’s electrical system, attempting to rectify the situation on your own could pose significant risks. Outdated wiring and electrical components can present complex challenges that require the specialized knowledge and experience of a licensed electrician to assess and address the problem effectively.

It’s important to recognize that electrical work, while seemingly straightforward, can be hazardous if not performed correctly. Attempting to troubleshoot or repair electrical issues without the necessary knowledge and experience can potentially lead to further damage, injuries, or even fires. In such circumstances, prioritizing safety and enlisting the services of a professional electrician is the responsible choice. Schedule Regular Electrical Inspections and Maintenance with Varela American Electric. Their expertise and adherence to industry standards ensure that the issue is addressed correctly, minimizing risks and safeguarding the well-being of your home and loved ones.

Find practical solutions if you’re unable to identify the source of an electrical burning smell and learn how long an electrical burning smell typically lasts.

Preventing Future Electrical Burning Smells

Regular electrical inspections and maintenance by a professional electrician can identify potential issues before electrical burning smells become problems, helping to prevent them and other hazards.

Replace Outdated Wiring and Electrical Panels: If your home has outdated wiring or an old electrical panel, consider having them replaced to ensure safety and compliance with current electrical codes.

Avoid Overloading Circuits: Be mindful of how many electrical devices and appliances you have plugged into each circuit, and avoid overloading them to prevent overheating and potential fire hazards.

Be Cautious with Electrical Work and Hire Professionals: If you need to perform any electrical work, such as installing new outlets or running new wiring, it’s best to hire a licensed and experienced electrician from Varela American Electric to ensure the work is done safely and correctly.


An electrical burning smell should never be taken lightly. It’s a clear warning sign that something is amiss with your electrical system, and ignoring it could lead to disastrous consequences. By understanding the common causes, taking appropriate actions, and knowing when to call in a professional electrician, you can address the issue promptly and prevent potential fire hazards. Remember, your safety and the well-being of your property should always be the top priority. With regular electrical inspections and maintenance, you can minimize the risk of electrical burning smells and enjoy a safe and well-functioning electrical system in your home.


Q. What does an electrical burning smell indicate?

An electrical burning smell typically indicates that there is an electrical issue, such as overheating wires, faulty components, or a potential fire hazard. This smell should never be ignored as it can signify a serious electrical problem.

Q. What should I do if I smell an electrical burning odor?

If you smell an electrical burning odor, the first step is to try to locate the source. Check appliances, outlets, and electrical panels for signs of overheating or damage. If the source cannot be found or if the smell persists, turn off the main power and contact a qualified electrician immediately.

Q. Can I use water to extinguish an electrical fire?

No, it is never recommended to use water to extinguish an electrical fire. Water conducts electricity and can increase the risk of electrocution or further electrical damage. Instead, use a dry chemical fire extinguisher or baking soda if it’s a small fire. For larger electrical fires, evacuate the premises and call emergency services.

Q. How can I prevent electrical burning smells in the future?

To prevent future electrical burning smells, it’s essential to schedule regular electrical inspections and maintenance, replace outdated wiring and electrical panels, avoid overloading circuits, and hire professional electricians for any electrical work that needs to be done.

Varela American Electric INC has been proudly serving residential and commercial customers in Richmond, Texas and surrounding areas for almost two decades now. We have the experience and skills necessary to take care of your different electrical needs so that your building works properly all the time.

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